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The Lesser Key of Solomon – or how to summon entities

The Lesser Key of Solomon – or how to summon entities

The Lesser Key of Solomon (Clavicula Salomonis Regis) is one of the most popular grimoires. It contains many magical seals and formulas for summoning spirits, angels and demons and ordering them to obey. What’s more, on its pages we read that the author of the work is the Israeli King Solomon, who allegedly received secret knowledge from God, thanks to which he directed demons.

The Lesser Key of Solomon, also called Lemengton, is a work that consists of five books. According to what we read in its pages, these books were supposed to have been discovered in Jerusalem. Then an unknown rabbi put them together and translated them from Chaldean into Greek. Only from Greek were they translated into Latin. It is not known in which century this is supposed to have happened. What is certain, however, is that the work was first published in French, in the 17th century. As already mentioned, we learn from the grimoire that its author was supposed to be King Solomon, who ruled Israel in the 10th century BC. In reality, however, there is no indication of this. Take, for example, the first book of the Lesser Key of Solomon – it is based on another grimoire from 1577, entitled Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. So most likely the Lemengton came out of the hand of an anonymous author just in the 17th century.

Goetia, or the Book of the Golden Spirits

The word “goecia” from Greek means “howling.” This is the term used to describe summoning spirits and enchanting them to obey the enchanter. There is a reason why the first book of the Lesser Key of Solomon was given this title. According to legend, Solomon once imprisoned 72 demons in a brass vessel, which he then induced to obey himself through incantations. The Goetia depicts these 72 demons and describes them in detail – giving their names, powers and the offices they hold in the demonic hierarchy. It also presents images of their seals and ways of summoning and looping them, that is, making them obey the spellcaster. The Goetia also contains instructions for creating seals, including the so-called Seal of Solomon, through which Solomon was to succeed in trapping these demons. The book also provides guidelines for drawing a circle to protect Solomon from their scheming, a hexagram to be shown to summoned demons to force them to take visible form and obey, and a pentagram to help subdue them.

Other books of the Lesser Key of Solomon

THEURGIA GOETIA (Book of Ethereal Beings)

The second book of the Lesser Key of Solomon presents 31 spirits, some of which are good and some of which are evil. Like the Goetia, it describes their names, offices, seals and spells.

ARS PAULINA (Book of the Spirits of the Hours and the Zodiac)

Ars Paulina is the third book of the Lemengton, which consists of two chapters. The first chapter presents the 24 angels of the hours of day and night, which govern other, lower-ranking spirits. Chapter two, on the other hand, presents the 12 angels of the Zodiac signs, including the angels of man. With the exact date of birth, the spellcaster is able to know his guardian angel.

ARS ALMADEL (Book of the Spirits of the Four Heights and 360 Degrees of the Zodiac)

The fourth book of the Lemengton begins with a recipe for creating an almadel, a wax tablet with engraved symbols. With its help, the four choirs of angels presented in this book, which rule the four sides of the world, are invoked.

ARS NOVA (Lemengton Book)

This is the last part of the Lesser Key of Solomon. It is a book of orations and prayers. Its contents were to be revealed to Solomon by the angel Michael. Then Solomon was also said to have received cards written with the Finger of God, through which he supposedly possessed secret knowledge.

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