Magic from the coast of Mombasa
Mombasa is Kenya’s second largest city, which lies in the southeastern part of the country on the Indian Ocean. It was founded in the 11th century by Arab traders. The region is overwhelmingly inhabited by Muslims, although parallel to their religion, Mombasa residents do not shy away from witchcraft either.
Magic accompanies Kenyans on a daily basis. Witchcraft is a kind of way of life here. With their help, the people of Kenya cope with their problems. Juju magic and kamuti magic are especially recognized because of their effectiveness. And belief in jinns is also strong in Mombasa. Based on ancient texts, sorcerers prepare magical formulas that offer the possibility of “hiring” a genie who will fulfill any wish. Is it possible? Locals are convinced that it is. At one time in Mombasa there was an attack in one of the churches. As a result of the grenade explosion, people who were inside the temple suffered. Except for one. One girl who was present in the church was not even slightly injured. After the incident, locals recounted that it was a juju that provided her with protection.
Juju in Mombasa
Mombasa sorcerers are also involved in juju spells. They create talismans that guarantee the protection of good spirits and protection from evil spirits. They are charged with magical power. For this purpose, the sorcerer writes down a specific passage of ancient scriptures on a piece of paper, which he chooses depending on the intentions of his client. Then he hides this piece of paper in jewelry – a ring, bracelet or chain. An amulet prepared in this way ensures business success, professional success, successful marriage, or health.
Kamuti in Mombasa
After the results of Kenya’s 2007 parliamentary and presidential elections were disputed, the country was in veritable chaos. Stores were looted and burned. One young man from Mombasa, who wanted to take advantage of the situation, grabbed a TV and carried it out of the store… on his head. Upon returning home, however, he was unable to get away from it. Only when he returned to the store to return the stolen equipment did he succeed. Witnesses to the incident said that he was under the influence of kamuti magic. Kamuti magic is characteristic of the Kamba tribe, which originated from the Bantu peoples of Kenya. It is highly effective. It also arouses controversy. It is sometimes described as a kind of black magic. But the people of Mombasa (and not only) are eager to use it. Kamuti sorcerers are famous for spells that ensure the fidelity of spouses. And in case they commit infidelity, they guarantee them a merciless lesson for life. For a husband who is under the influence of kamuti sorcery, and indulges in amorous games with his lover, after the act of love will not be freed from the embrace. Or at least until his wife shows up. It is up to the betrayed spouse to decide whether or not to release the lovers from the nagging embrace. For his own sake, therefore, it is better not to take any chances.
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