Reviews about Spell Casters reviews

Described website: has a wide offer of love spells and more. We can also order Tarot Card Readings, Voodoo dolls. Out of curiosity, I checked cost of voodoo doll – price is $ 335. Coming back to love spells, choice is wide, there are 30 spells in 3 price categories. The categories are divided into: Power Level 1, Power Level 2, Power Level 3. There are no articles about love magic but despite this fact that it looks quite interesting.

When browsing the FAQ, there is no information as to whether, we will receive any proof that the spell was really performed.

Remeber: When Spell Caster claims that he finished his magical work, he should send a proof for example altar photo from spell casting

Always ask for this information before ordering a spell. All in all, my rating for is average. Offer is wide, prices are affordable. If you ordered a spell from and would like to share your review, please comment. Only comments that contain a description of your love situation before ordering spell, the name of spell ordered and information about the results will be accepted.

Full Review reviews

Described website: existence for several years. We will find a wide offer there. The offer is divided into three most important categories: Traditional spells, Exclusive spells, Magickal Items. In Tradition Spells we can find the basic offer: love spells, money spells, protection spells. Exclusive spells include Wiccans spells, ultimate spells, combo spells, ancient vampyre spells. There are 12 amulets in Magickal items. Spells come at different prices depending on the option we choose. Each of the spells is described in a few sentences. On you can find articles about love magic. I must admit that the offer is interesting.

Unfortunately, in FAQ lack information as to whether, we will receive any proof that the spell was really performed.

Remeber: When Spell Caster claims that he finished his magical work, he should send a proof for example altar photo from spell casting

So, when you want to buy any product, ask for this information before ordering.

If someone used services of, please give review. Only comments containing a description of your love situation before ordering spell, the name of spell ordered and information about the results will be accepted.

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Protection spell reviews

In a world filled with various energies and influences, protecting our own energy field is essential for maintaining balance, harmony, and overall well-being. Protection spells are a powerful tool that can help shield and fortify our energetic essence from negative or intrusive energies. Drawing upon ancient wisdom and the power of intention, protection spells create a metaphysical shield that acts as a barrier against harmful vibrations, ensuring the preservation of our vitality and promoting a sense of safety and peace. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating realm of protection spells, exploring their purpose, principles, and techniques. Protection spells are rituals or incantations performed with the intention of creating a shield of spiritual or energetic protection. They are designed to ward off negative energies, harmful intentions, or psychic attacks, ensuring the preservation of one’s energy field and promoting a sense of safety, balance, and well-being. These spells harness the power of intention, symbolism, and energetic manipulation to establish a metaphysical barrier that safeguards the practitioner from external influences that may be detrimental to their well-being.

The purpose of protection spells

Shielding from negative energies

Protection spells serve as a shield against negative energies, such as jealousy, anger, or fear, that can adversely affect our emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. They create a barrier that repels and deflects these energies, preventing them from penetrating our energetic field.

Warding off psychic attacks

Psychic attacks refer to intentional or unintentional harm directed towards an individual’s energy field. Protection spells can establish a defense against such attacks, safeguarding one’s energy from manipulation, draining, or infiltration.

Maintaining energetic boundaries

Protection spells assist in establishing and maintaining healthy energetic boundaries. They create a sense of separation between our own energy and external influences, allowing us to differentiate between our authentic self and the energies of others.

Enhancing personal power

By establishing a protective shield, these spells enhance our personal power and strengthen our energetic presence. They promote a sense of empowerment, confidence, and self-assurance, enabling us to navigate the world with resilience and assertiveness.

Principles of protection spells


Intention forms the foundation of any protection spell. It is crucial to set a clear and focused intention, clearly defining what you seek to protect yourself from and the type of shield you wish to create.


Many protection spells incorporate symbolism to amplify their effectiveness. This can include the use of specific herbs, crystals, talismans, or written spells. Each element carries its own energetic properties and adds depth and potency to the spell.


Visualization is a key component of protection spells. It involves mentally creating and visualizing a shield of protective energy around oneself. This visualization can take the form of a bubble, a cloak of light, or any other imagery that resonates with the practitioner.

Energetic manipulation

Protection spells often involve manipulating and directing energy. This can be done through the use of hand gestures, movement, breathwork, or the invocation of specific energy patterns.

Techniques for protection spells

Candle magic

Use colored candles that correspond to protection, such as black, white, or purple. As you light the candle, visualize its flame creating a protective shield around you, repelling negativity and creating a safe space.

Crystal grids

Create a crystal grid with protective stones, such as black tourmaline, obsidian, or amethyst. Arrange them in a pattern that resonates with your intention and visualize the crystals forming a powerful protective shield around you.

Ritual baths

Take a ritual bath using salt, herbs, or essential oils known for their protective properties, such as lavender, rosemary, or sage. As you soak in the bath, visualize the water purifying your energy field and forming a protective barrier.

Written spells

Write a protection spell or incantation that resonates with you. Use powerful affirmations and words of intention to establish a shield of protection around you. Repeat the spell daily or as needed to reinforce the energetic barrier.

Protection spells are potent tools for safeguarding our energy, promoting a sense of safety and well-being. Embrace the power of intention and explore the world of protection spells to shield your energy and nurture a harmonious and resilient existence.

What crystals are used in protection spell?

Crystals have been revered for their energetic properties and metaphysical benefits for centuries. Their unique vibrations and healing energies make them powerful allies in various spiritual practices, including protection spells. By harnessing the energy of specific crystals, practitioners can enhance the effectiveness of their protective spells, creating a shield of energetic defense. In this article, we will explore the world of protective crystals and their applications in spellwork, providing a deeper understanding of their properties and the role they play in safeguarding our energetic well-being. Protective crystals possess inherent properties that shield and repel negative or harmful energies, making them ideal for use in protection spells. These crystals act as energetic guardians, creating a barrier that prevents unwanted influences from penetrating our energetic field. They can neutralize negative vibrations, enhance our inner strength, and promote a sense of safety and well-being.

Common protective crystals and their properties

Black tourmaline: Known as the ultimate protective stone, black tourmaline forms a powerful shield against negative energies, psychic attacks, and electromagnetic radiation. It transmutes dense energy into lighter vibrations, creating a safe and grounded environment.

Obsidian: With its strong protective energy, obsidian acts as a shield against negativity and psychic intrusion. It absorbs and transmutes negative energy, promoting spiritual grounding and energetic protection.

Amethyst: Beyond its renowned spiritual properties, amethyst offers protection against psychic attacks and negative energies. It forms a protective bubble around the aura, enhancing spiritual awareness and creating a calm and harmonious environment.

Smoky quartz: Smoky quartz is an excellent grounding stone that absorbs and transmutes negative energies. It provides a protective shield against electromagnetic radiation and environmental pollutants, promoting a sense of stability and protection.

Clear quartz: Known as the master healer, clear quartz amplifies and purifies energy, making it an effective crystal for protection spells. It enhances the protective qualities of other crystals and promotes overall energetic balance and clarity.

Hematite: Hematite is a powerful grounding stone that forms a protective shield around the aura, deflecting and dissolving negative energies. It helps to strengthen and stabilize the energy field, creating a sense of grounding and protection.

Labradorite: Labradorite possesses a unique protective quality known as the “veil of light.” It shields the aura from negative energies, deflects unwanted influences, and promotes spiritual connection and intuition.

Black onyx: Black onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy, acting as a protective shield against psychic attacks and harmful vibrations. It provides strength, stability, and grounding, enhancing one’s resilience and energetic protection.

Using protective crystals in spellwork

Selecting crystals: Choose crystals based on their protective properties and resonance with your intention. Consider the specific energies you wish to shield yourself from and select crystals that align with your needs.

Cleansing and charging: Before using crystals in protection spells, cleanse them of any previous energies and charge them with your intention. This can be done through various methods, such as smudging, sunlight or moonlight exposure, or placing them on a bed of salt.

Crystal grids: Create a crystal grid using protective crystals to amplify their energies and create a powerful energetic shield. Arrange the crystals in a pattern that resonates with your intention, and visualize the grid forming a protective barrier around you or your space.

Carrying or wearing crystals: Keep a small protective crystal in your pocket, wear it as jewelry, or place it in your bag to carry its protective energies with you throughout the day. This helps to establish a constant field of protection around you.

Meditation and visualization: During protection spells or meditation, hold a protective crystal in your hand or place it on your body. Visualize the crystal forming a radiant shield of light around you, repelling negativity and creating a safe space.

Ritual integration: Incorporate protective crystals into ritual practices, such as placing them on your altar or using them as focal points during protection rituals. Their presence enhances the energetic atmosphere and strengthens the intention of protection.


Protective crystals are valuable allies in spellwork, empowering us to create a shield of energetic defense. Embrace the energy of these crystals and explore their transformative properties to enhance your protection spells, promoting a sense of safety, balance, and well-being.


Full Review

What is aura cleansing?

The human aura, an invisible energy field that surrounds our physical bodies, is an intricate web of energy that reflects our emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Just as our physical bodies require regular care and cleansing, our aura also benefits from intentional maintenance and purification. Aura cleansing is a holistic practice that aims to remove stagnant or negative energies, restore balance, and promote optimal well-being. Let us delve deeper into the fascinating world of aura cleansing and its transformative effects on our overall energetic essence.

Understanding the aura

The aura is a subtle electromagnetic field that extends several feet beyond our physical body. It consists of layers or “auric bodies” that vibrate at different frequencies and correspond to different aspects of our being. These layers include the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, each influencing our experiences and interactions with the world around us. When our aura is healthy and balanced, it supports our overall vitality, resilience, and spiritual growth.

The need for aura cleansing

In our daily lives, we encounter various energies and experiences that can affect the state of our aura. Negative emotions, stress, environmental factors, and interactions with others can leave imprints or “energetic residue” in our auric field. Over time, these energetic imbalances can manifest as physical, emotional, or spiritual disharmony. Aura cleansing helps remove these blockages, clears stagnant energy, and restores our energetic field to its natural state of balance, promoting overall well-being.

Methods of aura cleansing

There are various methods and techniques to cleanse and purify the aura, and different individuals resonate with different approaches. Here are some commonly used practices:


This ancient ritual involves burning herbs such as sage, palo santo, or cedar to cleanse and purify the aura. The smoke is wafted around the body, helping to disperse stagnant energy and restore balance.

Energy healing

Modalities like Reiki, pranic healing, or crystal healing can be utilized to clear and rebalance the auric field. Practitioners use their hands, crystals, or energy-infused tools to remove blockages and restore harmony.

Salt baths

Immersing oneself in a bath infused with natural sea salt or Epsom salt can be a soothing and purifying practice. As you soak, visualize the saltwater cleansing your aura, and imagine any negativity being drawn out and dissolved.

Visualization and meditation

Guided visualizations or meditation techniques focused on aura cleansing can be powerful tools. Through intention and imagery, you can visualize a cleansing light or waterfall flowing through your aura, purifying and revitalizing your energy field.

Sound healing

Vibrational tools such as singing bowls, tuning forks, or chanting can be used to restore harmony to the aura. The resonant frequencies emitted by these instruments help dislodge and release stagnant energies.

The Benefits of Aura Cleansing: Regular aura cleansing offers a myriad of benefits for our overall well-being:

Energetic balance

Cleansing the aura removes energetic blockages and restores balance, promoting optimal functioning of the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Enhanced vitality

A clean and balanced aura supports increased energy levels, vitality, and overall resilience.

Emotional Well-being

Aura cleansing can help release trapped emotions, allowing for emotional healing and a greater sense of emotional well-being.

Mental Clarity

Clearing the aura helps quiet the mind, reduce mental clutter, and enhance focus and clarity of thought.

Spiritual Growth

By purifying the aura, we create space for spiritual growth, intuition, and connection to our higher selves and the divine.

Incorporating aura cleansing into your routine

To incorporate aura cleansing into your regular self-care routine, consider the following steps:

Set an intention: Clearly define your intention for the cleansing, whether it’s releasing negative energies, restoring balance, or promoting overall well-being.

Choose a method: Explore different aura cleansing techniques and choose one that resonates with you. Experiment with different practices to find what works best for you.

Create a sacred space: Find a quiet and peaceful environment where you can perform your aura cleansing practice without distractions.

Focus and visualization: As you engage in the cleansing practice, visualize the release of negative or stagnant energies from your aura and imagine a vibrant, balanced energy field surrounding you.

Consistency is key: Like any self-care practice, regularity is essential. Aim to incorporate aura cleansing into your routine on a weekly or monthly basis, or as intuitively guided by your own needs.

Aura cleansing is a transformative practice that allows us to purify and balance our energetic essence, promoting overall well-being and supporting our journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Embrace the power of aura cleansing and experience the revitalizing effects it can bring to your life.

Using meditation in aura cleansing

The human aura, a subtle electromagnetic field that surrounds our physical bodies, serves as a gateway to our emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Just as our physical bodies require regular care and cleansing, our energetic field also benefits from intentional maintenance and purification. Meditation, a practice that cultivates mindfulness and deep inner awareness, can be a powerful tool for aura cleansing. In this article, we will explore how meditation can help purify and balance the aura, promoting overall well-being and harmony within. The aura is a complex energy field composed of multiple layers that extend beyond our physical bodies. Each layer corresponds to different aspects of our being, reflecting our emotional state, mental clarity, and spiritual connection. Meditation allows us to dive deep into our inner world, cultivating mindfulness and presence. By focusing our attention on the present moment, we can access and cleanse the energetic imprints within our aura, bringing about a state of balance and clarity.

The benefits of meditative aura cleansing:

Heightened self-awareness

Through meditation, we develop a deeper understanding of our energetic field and the imbalances that may exist within it. This self-awareness allows us to identify areas in need of cleansing and brings clarity to our emotional and mental states.

Release of stagnant energy

Meditation enables us to access and release stagnant or negative energy that may have accumulated within the aura. By mindfully observing our thoughts, emotions, and sensations, we can identify and let go of energy patterns that no longer serve us.

Emotional healing

The practice of meditation facilitates emotional healing by creating a safe space for us to explore and process our emotions. By cultivating non-judgmental awareness, we can acknowledge and release emotional blockages, allowing for greater emotional well-being and balance within the aura.

Mental clarity and focus

As we cleanse the aura through meditation, we create a harmonious space for mental clarity and focus. By quieting the mind and observing our thoughts without attachment, we can reduce mental clutter and enhance concentration.

Spiritual connection and growth

Meditative aura cleansing opens the doorway to spiritual connection and growth. By quieting the external distractions and turning our attention inward, we create a space for deeper insights, intuition, and connection to our higher selves and the divine.

Practicing meditative aura cleansing

Prepare your space

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can practice meditation without disturbances. Create an atmosphere that promotes relaxation and tranquility, such as dim lighting, soft music, or the burning of incense.

Relaxation and centering

Begin your practice by taking a few deep breaths, allowing your body and mind to relax. Settle into a comfortable position, either seated or lying down, and bring your attention to the present moment.

Body scan

Start with a body scan, bringing your awareness to each part of your body. Notice any areas of tension or discomfort, and consciously release them with each exhale, allowing your body to relax and soften.

Focus on the breath

Shift your attention to the sensation of your breath, following its natural rhythm. With each inhalation, visualize clean, pure energy entering your body. With each exhalation, imagine releasing any stagnant or negative energy from your aura.

Visualize cleansing light

As you continue breathing, visualize a bright, cleansing light surrounding your body. See this light penetrating your aura, dissolving any energetic impurities or blockages, and restoring harmony and balance.

Release and let go

Throughout your meditation, allow any thoughts, emotions, or sensations to arise without judgment. Acknowledge them and let them pass, returning your focus to the breath and the visualization of cleansing light.

Cultivate gratitude

Before concluding your meditation, express gratitude for the cleansing process and the renewed vitality within your aura. Reflect on the positive changes you feel and embrace a sense of inner peace and harmony.

Meditation offers a profound pathway to cleanse and balance the aura, promoting overall well-being and spiritual growth. Embrace the transformative power of mindfulness and embark on a journey of harmonizing your energetic essence through meditative aura cleansing.

Using visualization in aura cleansing

The human aura, an intricate energetic field that envelops our physical bodies, serves as a reflection of our emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. To maintain a healthy and balanced aura, intentional cleansing and revitalization are necessary. Visualization, a powerful tool that harnesses the mind’s creative energy, can significantly enhance the process of aura cleansing. In this article, we will delve into the art of visualization and how it can be utilized to purify and rejuvenate the aura, fostering overall well-being and spiritual growth. Visualization is a technique that utilizes the power of the mind to create mental images and harness the mind-body connection. By vividly imagining specific scenarios, colors, and sensations, we can influence our energetic field and facilitate positive transformations. When applied to aura cleansing, visualization empowers us to actively engage with our energetic essence, making it a potent tool for releasing stagnant or negative energies and infusing the aura with vibrant and harmonious frequencies.

The benefits of visualization in aura cleansing:

Enhanced energetic awareness

Visualization allows us to develop a deeper understanding and awareness of our aura. By consciously visualizing its shape, colors, and texture, we can identify areas in need of cleansing, leading to a more thorough and effective purification process.

Release of stagnant energy

Through visualization, we can actively release stagnant or negative energy trapped within the aura. By envisioning these energies as dark or heavy substances, we can visualize them dissolving, dispersing, or being absorbed by the surrounding light, clearing the energetic field.

Balancing and harmonizing

Visualization enables us to restore balance and harmony to the aura. By visualizing the aura as a vibrant, symmetrical field of light, we can direct our intentions to rebalance any areas of imbalance or disharmony, promoting overall well-being.

Emotional healing

Visualization in aura cleansing can facilitate emotional healing. By visualizing emotions as energy within the aura, we can consciously release any emotional blockages or negativity, allowing for emotional healing and increased emotional well-being.

Amplifying positive energies

Visualization empowers us to actively infuse the aura with positive energies and intentions. By visualizing radiant light, vibrant colors, or symbols of positivity entering the aura, we can amplify the frequencies of love, joy, and harmony within our energetic field.

Practicing visualization for aura cleansing


Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can practice visualization without distractions. Create an atmosphere that supports relaxation, such as soft lighting, calming music, or the scent of essential oils.

Relaxation and centering

Begin by taking several deep breaths, allowing your body and mind to relax. Find a comfortable seated or lying position and bring your awareness to the present moment.

Set your intention

Clearly define your intention for the aura cleansing visualization. Whether it’s releasing negative energies, restoring balance, or promoting overall well-being, articulate your intention with clarity and focus.

Visualization of cleansing light

Visualize a bright, cleansing light surrounding your body. See this light permeating your aura, dissolving any energetic impurities or blockages. Imagine the light purifying the aura, leaving it clear, vibrant, and harmonious.

Releasing stagnant energy

Envision any stagnant or negative energies within the aura as dark or heavy substances. Visualize these energies being transformed and released, either dissolving into the light or being carried away by a gentle breeze.

Balancing and harmonizing

Focus on restoring balance and harmony to the aura. Visualize the colors within your aura becoming balanced and evenly distributed. Picture your energetic field expanding and contracting in a rhythmic and harmonious manner.

Infusing positive energies

Direct your visualization towards infusing the aura with positive energies and intentions. Visualize radiant light, vibrant colors, or symbols of positivity entering your aura, uplifting and nurturing your energetic field.

Gratitude and integration

Conclude your visualization by expressing gratitude for the cleansing process and the revitalized state of your aura. Take a few moments to integrate the experience, feeling the renewed vitality and harmony within.


Visualization is a potent technique for aura cleansing, empowering us to actively engage with our energetic essence and promote overall well-being. Embrace the transformative power of visualization and embark on a journey of illuminating your energy field through visualization-based aura cleansing.


Full Review reviews

Described website:

The description on contains information that we are dealing with a Japanese Spell caster. Website is very simple, on the home page you will find the entire offer. We have a choice of 12 spells at different prices. It can be concluded that this offer doesn’t differ from the offers on most such websites. Each of proposed spells has a short description and a note “100% satisfaction guaranteed” This guarantee actually consists in doing a re-cast spell if the first one fails to produce results. In my opinion, listing “100% satisfaction guaranteed” on a love magic website is no sense and disqualifies Spell Caster.

What can I say more? There are no articles about love magic. There is no information as to whether, we will receive any proof that the spell was really performed. I will repeat once again:

Remeber: When Spell Caster claims that he finished his magical work, he should send a proof for example altar photo from spell casting

All in all, isn’t a reliable website.

If you have used this services and would like to share your review, please comment. Only comments containing a description of your love situation prior to ordering spell, the name of spell ordered, and information about the results will be accepted.

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Described website:

Spell Caster from advertises itself as having the most powerful rituals of black magic. Considering website as a whole – few descriptive texts and a complete lack of articles about black magic, I don’t think this ad is real. But let’s move on to the offer.

We have several spells to choose from. In the Love Spells category – five – including: satan love spell, cursed kiss love spell, 7 night rites lucifer love spell. Spells come at very different prices.

As I mentioned, there are no longer descriptions and articles. There is no information as to whether, we will receive any proof that the spell was really performed

Remeber: When Spell Caster claims that he finished his magical work, he should send a proof for example altar photo from spell casting

In conclusion this website doesn’t seem very reliable. Rather, it looks like  a typical website that the author didn’t spend much time creating . If you have used the offer and want to share your review, please comment. Only comments containing a description of your love situation prior to ordering spell, the name of spell ordered and information about the  results will be accepted.

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Described website:

Voodoo spells, love spells, psychic readings, voodoo dolls are the first things that catch your eye when you enter

In shope, we have many love spells, spiritual consultation, psychic readings to choose from. Mention the names of a few spells available on

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Each spell has a description. Spells prices vary, but are high. There are many articles especially about Voodoo.

Unfortunately, there is no information as to whether, we will receive any proof that the spell was really performed.

Remeber: When Spell Caster claims that he finished his magical work, he should send a proof for example altar photo from spell casting

In conclusion, although website looks interesting and we find a lot of articles about black magic, lack of this basic information is a huge downside.

If anyone used, please give me review. Only those comments that contain a description of your love situation before ordering spell, the name of spell ordered, as well as information about the results will be accepted.

Full Review reviews

Described website: has a wide offer related to esotericism. We can use, among others: Spiritual / Seer Readings, Emergency Rituals, Quantum Hypnosis, Life Coaching. As for love magic, we can order Emergency Return My lover Spiritual Ritual. Unfortunately, there is no information as to whether, we will receive any proof that the spell was really performed.

Remember: When Spell Caster claims that he finished his magical work, he should send a proof for example altar photo from spell casting

I rate the site on average, lack of the above information is a very big downside.

If you used, I am asking for your review. Only reviews that contain a description of your love situation before ordering spell, the name of spell ordered, and information about the results will be accepted.

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