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Tai chi – a prescription for health

Tai chi – a prescription for health

Everything that is alive moves. Therefore, life is perpetual motion. On this simple statement is based Tai Chi – an ancient Chinese form of movement that effectively works on the body and mind. Under the influence of Tai Chi, a person becomes “a sage, with the flexibility of a child and the strength of a woodcutter.”

Tai Chi’s roots come from martial arts, but today it is seen primarily as an exercise system that unites body and mind. This outlook is hugely popular around the world. However, this does not mean that Tai Chi has lost its original character. It is still a defensive system, but at the same time a health gymnastics (Tai Chi Chuan) that is accessible to everyone, regardless of age or physical condition. Tai Chi has a positive effect on mental and physical health.

Basic tenets

Tai Chi is based on Taoist philosophy. Taoists say that everything in the universe simultaneously contains two elements, feminine and masculine (YIN and YANG), which are opposite and complement each other. They also claim that humans have an inner energy – CHI. Through movement, we revitalize this energy, which spreads throughout the body. On the other hand, lack of movement means stopping it. Taoist philosophy also believes that the world is ruled by the elements: earth, water, wood, fire, metal. The five-change diet, which rightly points out that we are what we eat, is based on this premise. It says that food must be in accordance with the ruling element of the season and the flavor assigned to it. Then our mental and physical health is in the right condition. All these ideas are reflected in Tai Chi.

Tai Chi in practice

Tai Chi, as health gymnastics, involves slow and smooth rotational movements accompanied by deep breathing. Proper posture and foot placement are important, as well as alternating the center of gravity of the body from one side to the other. This alternately intertwines YIN and YANG, which in turn allows CHI energy to circulate throughout the body. The movements also affect the harmony between man and the world. And this is due to the fact that they are attributed to the various elements. Thus:

EARTH: starting posture

METAL: forward movement

TREE: backward movement

WATER: movement to the left

FIRE: movement to the right

What’s more, movements also regulate and support the internal organs. Each organ in the body is under the care of a specific element. Thus:

EARTH: spleen and pancreas (YIN), stomach (YANG)

METAL: lungs (YIN), large intestine (YANG)

TREE: liver (YIN), gall bladder (YANG)

WATER: kidney (YIN), urinary bladder (YANG)

FIRE: heart (YIN), small intestine (YANG)

Why practice Tai Chi?

Posture improves and back pain is a thing of the past

Oxygenation of the body increases, the brain works more efficiently, energy increases, and sleep quality improves

The cardiovascular system is strengthened

Blood sugar levels are lowered

Nervous tension is reduced

The metabolism improves

During exercise, the happiness hormone is produced, which improves mood

Immunity and physical condition are strengthened

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What are astrological houses?

What are astrological houses?

The arrangement of the planets in the sky, as well as the Sun and Moon, at the time of our birth says a lot about ourselves and all areas of our lives. Learning about this knowledge is made possible by the birth horoscope (cosmogram), in which the astrological houses play the most important role.

Astrological houses are areas of the sky (called the ecliptic) that represent and describe the various spheres of a person’s life. There are twelve of them, and each house has a different size. Interpreting the arrangement of the planets and the distance between them, as well as the zodiac sign in each house, makes self-discovery a snap. This is what the cosmogram is used for. Symbolically, it represents a circle divided like the sky into twelve parts. To create a birth horoscope, it is necessary to know the date, place and exact time (including minutes) of birth.

What do the different astrological houses symbolize?

House 1 – Ego, or Self – begins with the ascendant, the point where the planets are located when we are born and take our first breath. It determines physical appearance, our personality, temperament and predisposition. The sign of the zodiac is Aries.

House 2 – Possessions – shows how we accumulate money and material goods. It indicates the resources that we value in life and that make us feel secure. The sign of the zodiac is Taurus.

House 3 – Intellect – symbolizes learning, understanding the environment, the way we communicate and exchange ideas with other people, relationships with relatives and short trips. The sign of the zodiac is the Twins.

House 4 – Origin and family – expresses childhood and the family home and one’s own home, ties with relatives and ancestors. The sign of the zodiac is Cancer.

House 5 – Fertility and self-expression – expresses having children and how to express oneself. It speaks of enjoyment of life and creativity. The sign of the zodiac is Leo.

House 6 – Health and work – symbolizes health and hygiene. It also expresses industriousness and attitude towards co-workers. The sign of the zodiac is Virgo.

House 7 – Marriage – shows a partnership relationship with another person. Thus, it symbolizes emotional relationships, partners (including business partners), marriage. The sign of the zodiac is Libra.

House 8 – Death – in addition to final matters, it also shows deep spiritual transformations and sex life. The zodiac sign is Scorpio.

House 9 – Travel and broadening of horizons – symbolizes distant travel and exploring the world. It also speaks of everything that makes us grow spiritually and intellectually, so education, religion, morality. The sign of the zodiac is Sagittarius.

House 10 – Professional and social position – defines vocation, career, authority and fame. The zodiac sign is Capricorn.

House 11 – Friendship – symbolizes relationships with acquaintances and friends. It also expresses group activities and membership in organizations. The sign of the zodiac is Aquarius.

House 12 – Spirituality – defines the inner life. It shows hardships and limitations, fears and depressive states, hidden talents and resources. It symbolizes the subconscious and mystical experiences. The sign of the zodiac is Pisces.

Astrological houses, in addition to providing information about our lives, also provide guidance for us to follow on our earthly journey. A better understanding of oneself means a better quality of life.

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