Reviews about Spell Casters

De occulta philosophia libri tres

De occulta philosophia libri tres

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim was a Renaissance man. He had many talents and interests. However, he went down in history first and foremost as a distinguished philosopher, alchemist and magician, as well as the author of a treatise on magic, which today enjoys the reputation of a classic among classics.

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim was born in 1486 in Germany and died in 1535 in France. Two years before his death, his outstanding work De occulta philosophia libri tres (On the Secret Philosophy of Books Three) appeared in print. The monumental work was an expanded version of his 1510 treatise, which did not appear in print at the time. Over the course of 23 years, Agrippa greatly expanded his knowledge and eventually De occulta philosophia libri tres was published as a three-volume work that treats philosophy, magic, physics, mathematics, astrology and theology.

Agrippa’s philosophy

Agrippa believed that magic united the earthly with the heavenly. He was a proponent of Hermetic philosophy, which, in a nutshell, was based on the idea that the macrocosm (the universe) influences the microcosm (man). And magic makes it possible to learn about this influence and use it for one’s own purposes. Agrippa in his work presented the theory of three worlds, according to which the universe is divided into:

WORLD OF LIFE, which is expressed in the power of fire, earth, water, air;

WORLD OF DIVINE BODIES, which manifests itself in the power of stars, planets and numbers;

THE WORLD OF IDEAS, which is seen in the power of angels.

And these worlds are in relationship with each other: “that which is below is like that which is above, and that which is above is like that which is below. “Thus, the world of ideas that is “at the top” influences the world of celestial bodies and the world of elements. The earth is the recipient of all influences coming from the world of celestial bodies and the world of ideas. Therefore, the magical powers of herbs, stones, metals or words are to be found in the powers coming from the world of celestial bodies, which in turn is influenced by the world of ideas. This in turn is influenced by the Creator God, who is the source of all power. The magician, on the other hand, is able to know and operate the powers of all three worlds.

Contents of the book

With De occulta philosophia libri tres, Agrippa wanted to change the image of magic, which was seen as superstition. Agrippa saw in magic “the most perfect and main science, the sacred and subtle kind of Philosophy and the ultimate perfection of Philosophy. “Therefore, he relied on physics, mathematics and theology in his work. He believed that these three fields of knowledge are fundamental, and that magic unifies and perfects them. The number of volumes of De occulta philosophia libri tres is not a coincidence and refers to the theory of three worlds. Thus:

VOLUME FIRST – treats of natural magic, or physics. The magical powers of everything that exists in nature have their origin in the world of ideas, from which they enter the earth through the world of celestial bodies. Fire, earth, water and air carry the characters of the heavenly bodies, which is why the use of their magical powers is possible.

TOM SECOND – refers to astrological magic, or mathematics. Agrippa believed that numbers are closer to ideas than objects. Therefore, he argued that it was useful to use the power of numbers to influence objects, for example, when creating talismans. Hence, in the pages of this volume he presented ways to prepare them.

THIRD VOLUME – deals with ceremonial magic, or theology. He presents the names of angels and demons in order to evoke them and draw on their power. Agrippa referred to the Jewish Kabbalah, which is the basis for this type of magical operations.

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Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, an encouragement to black magic

Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, an encouragement to black magic

Pseudomonarchia Daemonum is the title of a 16th-century work that translates from Latin as “false monarchy of demons.”Although it is believed that the intention of its author John Vera was quite different, it became a manual for black magic. And in this capacity it functions to this day.

Jan Wier (or actually Johann Weyer) was born in the Netherlands in 1515 and died in Germany in 1588. He was a pupil of the eminent magician and philosopher Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa. By training, however, he was a physician and demonologist. Jan Wier was also a supporter of the Reformation initiated by Martin Luther and an opponent of witchcraft trials conducted by the Holy Office of the Inquisition. He gave expression to this in his books.


In the Middle Ages there was a belief in the omnipresence of Satan, who wants to destroy the divine order of the world and uses human beings to do it. Fear of him was widespread. Heresy and witchcraft were also widespread. The Holy Office of the Inquisition had already been established by then, but witchcraft trials took a turn for the worse in the Renaissance. Women, in particular, became their victims, which was due to the belief that the devil was a man and women were his mistresses. In 1487, a manual for witch-hunters titled Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer on Witches) was published by two German inquisitors, Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger. This sinister treatise focused largely on how to identify, torture and punish witches.

De praestigiis daemonum, or the objection of John Vier

In protest against the Malleus Maleficarum, Jan Wier’s book De praestigiis daemonum (On the Deceptive Tricks of Demons) was published in Basel in 1563. The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, later described it as one of the ten most important books of all time. In its pages, for the first time in history, the term “mental illness” appeared in reference to women, who were accused of pacting with the devil. John Wier did not deny its existence. Instead, he believed that the behavior of the alleged witches was due to mental illness, not to their free will. He claimed that they do not distinguish between reality and fiction, which the devil takes advantage of. He took a different view of sorcerers. He said that magicians are of sound mind, and therefore consciously enter into conspiracies with the devil. John Wier stressed that the devil is more powerful than people, but he is not more powerful than God. He creates illusions and tricks the senses, which gives the impression that a person has supernatural abilities. And sorcerers, unlike witches, deliberately allow him to deceive himself, and moreover help him deceive other people. This is important for understanding the work Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, which appeared as a supplement to the indicated book in 1577.

An incentive to black magic?

Pseudomonarchia Daemonum describes sixty-nine members of the infernal monarchy, starting with Bael and ending with Stolas. It presents not only their names, but also their appearance and powers. Also included in the work are ways of summoning and subjugating them, to show how sorcerers do it. Pseudomonarchy Daemonum presents “evidence of the stupidity” of the magi. What is worth noting, John Wier does not go into the details of the rituals, which makes the book really useless. So it seems that his intention was not to persuade people to practice black magic. And yet the work has become an encouragement for it.

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The Lesser Key of Solomon – or how to summon entities

The Lesser Key of Solomon – or how to summon entities

The Lesser Key of Solomon (Clavicula Salomonis Regis) is one of the most popular grimoires. It contains many magical seals and formulas for summoning spirits, angels and demons and ordering them to obey. What’s more, on its pages we read that the author of the work is the Israeli King Solomon, who allegedly received secret knowledge from God, thanks to which he directed demons.

The Lesser Key of Solomon, also called Lemengton, is a work that consists of five books. According to what we read in its pages, these books were supposed to have been discovered in Jerusalem. Then an unknown rabbi put them together and translated them from Chaldean into Greek. Only from Greek were they translated into Latin. It is not known in which century this is supposed to have happened. What is certain, however, is that the work was first published in French, in the 17th century. As already mentioned, we learn from the grimoire that its author was supposed to be King Solomon, who ruled Israel in the 10th century BC. In reality, however, there is no indication of this. Take, for example, the first book of the Lesser Key of Solomon – it is based on another grimoire from 1577, entitled Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. So most likely the Lemengton came out of the hand of an anonymous author just in the 17th century.

Goetia, or the Book of the Golden Spirits

The word “goecia” from Greek means “howling.” This is the term used to describe summoning spirits and enchanting them to obey the enchanter. There is a reason why the first book of the Lesser Key of Solomon was given this title. According to legend, Solomon once imprisoned 72 demons in a brass vessel, which he then induced to obey himself through incantations. The Goetia depicts these 72 demons and describes them in detail – giving their names, powers and the offices they hold in the demonic hierarchy. It also presents images of their seals and ways of summoning and looping them, that is, making them obey the spellcaster. The Goetia also contains instructions for creating seals, including the so-called Seal of Solomon, through which Solomon was to succeed in trapping these demons. The book also provides guidelines for drawing a circle to protect Solomon from their scheming, a hexagram to be shown to summoned demons to force them to take visible form and obey, and a pentagram to help subdue them.

Other books of the Lesser Key of Solomon

THEURGIA GOETIA (Book of Ethereal Beings)

The second book of the Lesser Key of Solomon presents 31 spirits, some of which are good and some of which are evil. Like the Goetia, it describes their names, offices, seals and spells.

ARS PAULINA (Book of the Spirits of the Hours and the Zodiac)

Ars Paulina is the third book of the Lemengton, which consists of two chapters. The first chapter presents the 24 angels of the hours of day and night, which govern other, lower-ranking spirits. Chapter two, on the other hand, presents the 12 angels of the Zodiac signs, including the angels of man. With the exact date of birth, the spellcaster is able to know his guardian angel.

ARS ALMADEL (Book of the Spirits of the Four Heights and 360 Degrees of the Zodiac)

The fourth book of the Lemengton begins with a recipe for creating an almadel, a wax tablet with engraved symbols. With its help, the four choirs of angels presented in this book, which rule the four sides of the world, are invoked.

ARS NOVA (Lemengton Book)

This is the last part of the Lesser Key of Solomon. It is a book of orations and prayers. Its contents were to be revealed to Solomon by the angel Michael. Then Solomon was also said to have received cards written with the Finger of God, through which he supposedly possessed secret knowledge.

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Picatrix – magic of the planets

Picatrix – magic of the planets

Picatrix is one of the most comprehensive and outstanding works on astral magic. It was written in the Middle Ages. Its 400 pages include a synthesis of earlier works on magic and astrology.

Picatrix was written around the 11th century. The work was originally written in Arabic and was titled Ghāyat al-Hakīm, which translates as “the goal of the sage.” It is believed to be authored by Maslama al-Majritim, a respected astronomer, mathematician and alchemist who lived in the late 10th and early 11th centuries. At the request of Alfonso X the Wise, King of Castile (1252-1284), a translation of the work from Arabic to Castilian (Spanish) was produced in 1254. And this consequently made it possible to translate it into Latin in 1256. The work probably received the title Picatrix as a result of the erroneous attribution of its authorship to another Arab sage.

Hermetic sage, or main idea

Picatrix belongs to a collection of so-called Hermetic writings. Hermetic philosophy is perfectly reflected by the saying: “As above, so below.” The adjective “hermetic” comes from the name of the Greek god Hermes, who is identified with the Egyptian god Thoth – the patron of magic, astrology and alchemy, among other things. Picatrix is included in this collection due to the fact that in its pages the idea of the “Hermetic Husband”, who, through magic, becomes “ruler of the Heavens and Earth”, is clearly presented. This is because man lives, or is himself, a smaller world (called microcosm), which in turn is contained in the larger world (i.e. macrocosm). The microcosm is subordinate to the macrocosm. And the larger world influences the smaller world. Thanks to magic, man is able to understand this influence and use it for his own purposes.

Astral spirits and talismans

Picatrix is a guide to astrological magic. The work consists of four parts. Each of them has a different length. At the beginning, among other things, the author introduces the place of man in the universe and reminds us of the most important principle of magic – the belief in its effectiveness. He also describes the 28 lunar houses, which are relevant to the construction and use of talismans. In further pages, the author lectures in detail on the science of talismans, astral magic and presents the characteristics of astral spirits. Astral spirits are simply energy that emanates from the cosmos. On the pages of the work we read that: “All the sages agree that the planets exert influence and rule this world […]. Hence it follows that the source of magic is the movements of the planets.”By acquiring knowledge of how to acquire this energy and manipulate it, a person is able to direct the events of his life as he wishes. Picatrix teaches that to do this, one must “bring these celestial spirits to earth and force them to enter a material object (talisman), which thus acquires certain magical powers.”Of course, when creating talismans, one must stick to the set rules. Picatrix provides detailed instructions for their preparation – describing the necessary ingredients, magical formulas and planetary alignments that favor the creation of talismans for various occasions. The author assures that following the presented rules allows you to get the expected result.

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Magic from the coast of Mombasa

Magic from the coast of Mombasa

Mombasa is Kenya’s second largest city, which lies in the southeastern part of the country on the Indian Ocean. It was founded in the 11th century by Arab traders. The region is overwhelmingly inhabited by Muslims, although parallel to their religion, Mombasa residents do not shy away from witchcraft either.

Magic accompanies Kenyans on a daily basis. Witchcraft is a kind of way of life here. With their help, the people of Kenya cope with their problems. Juju magic and kamuti magic are especially recognized because of their effectiveness. And belief in jinns is also strong in Mombasa. Based on ancient texts, sorcerers prepare magical formulas that offer the possibility of “hiring” a genie who will fulfill any wish. Is it possible? Locals are convinced that it is. At one time in Mombasa there was an attack in one of the churches. As a result of the grenade explosion, people who were inside the temple suffered. Except for one. One girl who was present in the church was not even slightly injured. After the incident, locals recounted that it was a juju that provided her with protection.

Juju in Mombasa

Mombasa sorcerers are also involved in juju spells. They create talismans that guarantee the protection of good spirits and protection from evil spirits. They are charged with magical power. For this purpose, the sorcerer writes down a specific passage of ancient scriptures on a piece of paper, which he chooses depending on the intentions of his client. Then he hides this piece of paper in jewelry – a ring, bracelet or chain. An amulet prepared in this way ensures business success, professional success, successful marriage, or health.

Kamuti in Mombasa

After the results of Kenya’s 2007 parliamentary and presidential elections were disputed, the country was in veritable chaos. Stores were looted and burned. One young man from Mombasa, who wanted to take advantage of the situation, grabbed a TV and carried it out of the store… on his head. Upon returning home, however, he was unable to get away from it. Only when he returned to the store to return the stolen equipment did he succeed. Witnesses to the incident said that he was under the influence of kamuti magic. Kamuti magic is characteristic of the Kamba tribe, which originated from the Bantu peoples of Kenya. It is highly effective. It also arouses controversy. It is sometimes described as a kind of black magic. But the people of Mombasa (and not only) are eager to use it. Kamuti sorcerers are famous for spells that ensure the fidelity of spouses. And in case they commit infidelity, they guarantee them a merciless lesson for life. For a husband who is under the influence of kamuti sorcery, and indulges in amorous games with his lover, after the act of love will not be freed from the embrace. Or at least until his wife shows up. It is up to the betrayed spouse to decide whether or not to release the lovers from the nagging embrace. For his own sake, therefore, it is better not to take any chances.

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Ayurveda – the balance of soul and body

Ayurveda – the balance of soul and body

Health and illness are the two ends of a continuum on which human beings continuously move. With health being the total well-being of body, mind and soul. How to maintain it? And how then to deal with illness? Ayurveda, an Indian natural medicine recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), provides answers to these questions.

Ayurveda views the human being in a holistic way. It assumes that biological, mental and spiritual balance is necessary to maintain health. For this reason, it places great emphasis on a healthy lifestyle – diet, sleep, movement or relaxation. He also takes emotional factors into account. He says that anger, fear or toxic relationships with others are the cause of disease.

Ajuverda therefore has two goals:

prevention and health promotion, i.e. maintaining the health of the healthy;

treatment of the sick.

Ayurvedic philosophy

The term Ayurveda means knowledge of life. It is important to properly understand the philosophy behind the phrase. Ayurveda proclaims that everything that exists in nature consists of five components: earth, water, fire, air and space (panca mahabhutas). Of course, this should not be taken literally. These are category names. Everything that surrounds us (and ourselves) has certain qualities and characteristics that are specific to each component. It is on this basis that categorization is carried out. The components combine with each other in different proportions and form three biological energies, or doshasas: vata, pitta and kapha. Each of these energies makes up our psychophysical whole. Vata is responsible for breathing, circulation and thinking. Pitta for metabolism, appetite and digestion. And kapha – for emotions and feelings. With one of them always dominating in us and conditioning our psyche and body structure. We are born with an established relationship between the dhammas. Therefore, health is about maintaining harmony among them, in harmony with the state from the day of birth. Disease, on the other hand, signifies a disturbed balance, hence treatment consists of restoring the proper proportion among the dhammas.

Constitutional types of the body

VATA type – air and space characteristics predominate. People of the vata type are full of energy. They eat irregularly, but have a fast metabolism, making them slim. They have light sleep, which makes them easily awake and thus not sufficiently recover. They move, talk and learn quickly. They are introverted, insecure and impatient.

Recommendations: eat frequently and regularly, smaller portions, light and warm meals, avoid eating in a hurry, relax.

PITTA type – fire characteristics predominate. People of the pitta type are of medium body build. They have a strong appetite and sleep hard. They can’t stand the heat. They are extroverted, communicative, but also explosive and aggressive. Especially when their needs are not met.

Recommendations: regular three meals a day, light snacks in the evening – fruits or vegetables, eating in peace and quiet, moderation.

KAPHA type – earth and water characteristics predominate. Kapha-type people have a heavy physique and gain weight easily, due to the fact that they like to eat and their digestion is slow. They need a large amount of sleep. They are peaceful, family-oriented and value a sense of security.

Recommendations: two meals during the day and one in the evening, light and warm food, physical activity.

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The whole truth about hypnosis


The whole truth about hypnosis

Hypnosis from the Greek language simply means sleep. However, one is mistaken who thinks that it has anything to do with sleep. Electroencephalographic studies of the brain clearly show that brain waves have a different frequency when we are asleep and a different frequency when we are in a trance.

Hypnosis is a different state of consciousness, during which our attention is completely focused on the hypnotist’s person. This is due to the fact that during trance there is increased activity in the orbital and frontal regions on the left side of the brain, an area that is closely associated with focusing attention. During hypnosis, we also lose the ability to think critically. In other words, we stop using the knowledge we have. Because of this, we are susceptible to the suggestions that the hypnotist makes to us. Hypnosis is also accompanied by a feeling of relaxation and relaxation.

Introduction to trance

The hypnotic state can be induced in two ways. First, through verbal suggestion. Then the timbre of the hypnotist’s voice is important. And secondly, through non-verbal suggestion, such as hand movement. So in this case, the gesture that the hypnotist makes towards us is important. However, regardless of how we are put into hypnosis, the key is our susceptibility to suggestion. Mentally strong people are most easily introduced into hypnosis: open to new experiences, self-confident, free of anxiety. However, this does not mean that in other cases hypnosis is impossible. Anyone can successfully enter a trance, but its depth can vary.

Depth of hypnosis

There are basically three levels of hypnosis depth. They depend on how difficult suggestions the hypnotized person realizes. Thus:

LOW hypnosis – is characterized by drowsiness and relaxation, the hypnotized person knows what is going on around him, but is susceptible to suggestions.

MEDIUM Hypnosis – there is a state of relaxation, as in light hypnosis; however, the hypnotized person is weary, unable to move or speak without suggestion.

DEEP hypnosis – the senses are completely turned off, the hypnotized person under suggestion can walk or talk, but can only see and hear what the hypnotist suggests.

Is hypnosis safe?

Many people are afraid of hypnosis. This is due to many myths about it. In reality, there is no reason to be afraid. Many times during the day we are like hypnotized and do not realize it. When we drive a car, ride the subway or read a book, many times we are “absent-minded.” At that time, our brain emits waves as if under light hypnosis. Of course, we need to realize the power of the suggestion emitted by the hypnotist. Suffice it to say that hypnosis can be successfully used, as anesthesia for surgical procedures. Hence, fears of committing suicide or breaking the law during a trance as a result of a rogue hypnotist’s suggestion seem justified. However, the truth is that a hypnotized person still has free will. He will not do anything against himself. It is also a fact that properly chosen words in a suggestion can push a hypnotized person to tragedy. Therefore, it is important to undergo hypnosis only through experienced, professional hypnotists.

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What are the benefits of meditation?


Meditation is a form of relaxation that can be successfully used by any of us. It carries numerous benefits, as confirmed by clinical studies. Are you interested? Then this article is just for you.

Meditation is a cleansing of the mind. It teaches you to observe your thoughts and the emotions that accompany them. It allows you to calm down and get away from worries. This improves our mental and physical health.

How to meditate?

Meditation does not require special, above-average skills. Here is the simplest recipe:

Find a secluded room where no stimuli will distract you.

Sit comfortably where you want and how you want. You can sit Turkish on the floor or on a chair, with your feet resting on the floor. Total freedom!

Assume correct posture. Straighten your back, relax your shoulders and lift your head slightly.

Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. Focus on inhaling and exhaling.

Feel your body relax from your head to your toes.

Observe the thoughts that arise, but don’t pay attention to them and don’t judge whether they are good or bad. And if you perceive that you have focused on them, don’t worry. Calmly return to concentrating on your breath.

At the end of the meditation, count down in your mind from 5 to 1 and visualize the numbers to yourself one by one.

Nothing easier, right? However, it is important to make a habit of meditation. Therefore, find time for it every day. It really doesn’t take much. Just a few minutes will make you feel better.

What helps in meditation?

There are many ways to help you focus on your breath while meditating. The most popular one comes from Zen meditation. It involves counting the breaths in your mind. Another method is mantra meditation, which is the repetition of formulas, verses or syllables (for example, “om”). This can be done in thought. You can also intone aloud by lengthening the syllables. Then with an exhalation one says the mantra aloud, and with an inhalation one says it in thought. There is also meditation with affirmation. It involves repeating a positive phrase in your mind (for example, “I feel comfortable”). Of course, these are just a few examples. You will certainly choose the best way for you from the whole range of possibilities.

What are the benefits of meditation?

Meditation has a salutary effect on health. To begin with, during meditation the frequency of brain waves changes. This results in a reduction of fear and anxiety (including those related to death). Cognitive abilities improve. We remember better, learn faster and concentrate more easily. This is a result of the fact that the density of the gray matter in the hippocampus, the center responsible for memory and learning, increases. The level of serotonin, the happiness hormone, also increases. With breathing exercises, oxygenation of the body improves. This, in turn, makes us sleep better at night, and during the day we are rested and function more efficiently. Clinical studies have also shown that meditation slows down the development of Alzheimer’s disease and reduces the feeling of pain in rheumatic diseases. These are just a few of the major benefits of meditation. We must admit that the list of its benefits is impressive.

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