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Ayurveda – the balance of soul and body

Ayurveda – the balance of soul and body

Health and illness are the two ends of a continuum on which human beings continuously move. With health being the total well-being of body, mind and soul. How to maintain it? And how then to deal with illness? Ayurveda, an Indian natural medicine recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), provides answers to these questions.

Ayurveda views the human being in a holistic way. It assumes that biological, mental and spiritual balance is necessary to maintain health. For this reason, it places great emphasis on a healthy lifestyle – diet, sleep, movement or relaxation. He also takes emotional factors into account. He says that anger, fear or toxic relationships with others are the cause of disease.

Ajuverda therefore has two goals:

prevention and health promotion, i.e. maintaining the health of the healthy;

treatment of the sick.

Ayurvedic philosophy

The term Ayurveda means knowledge of life. It is important to properly understand the philosophy behind the phrase. Ayurveda proclaims that everything that exists in nature consists of five components: earth, water, fire, air and space (panca mahabhutas). Of course, this should not be taken literally. These are category names. Everything that surrounds us (and ourselves) has certain qualities and characteristics that are specific to each component. It is on this basis that categorization is carried out. The components combine with each other in different proportions and form three biological energies, or doshasas: vata, pitta and kapha. Each of these energies makes up our psychophysical whole. Vata is responsible for breathing, circulation and thinking. Pitta for metabolism, appetite and digestion. And kapha – for emotions and feelings. With one of them always dominating in us and conditioning our psyche and body structure. We are born with an established relationship between the dhammas. Therefore, health is about maintaining harmony among them, in harmony with the state from the day of birth. Disease, on the other hand, signifies a disturbed balance, hence treatment consists of restoring the proper proportion among the dhammas.

Constitutional types of the body

VATA type – air and space characteristics predominate. People of the vata type are full of energy. They eat irregularly, but have a fast metabolism, making them slim. They have light sleep, which makes them easily awake and thus not sufficiently recover. They move, talk and learn quickly. They are introverted, insecure and impatient.

Recommendations: eat frequently and regularly, smaller portions, light and warm meals, avoid eating in a hurry, relax.

PITTA type – fire characteristics predominate. People of the pitta type are of medium body build. They have a strong appetite and sleep hard. They can’t stand the heat. They are extroverted, communicative, but also explosive and aggressive. Especially when their needs are not met.

Recommendations: regular three meals a day, light snacks in the evening – fruits or vegetables, eating in peace and quiet, moderation.

KAPHA type – earth and water characteristics predominate. Kapha-type people have a heavy physique and gain weight easily, due to the fact that they like to eat and their digestion is slow. They need a large amount of sleep. They are peaceful, family-oriented and value a sense of security.

Recommendations: two meals during the day and one in the evening, light and warm food, physical activity.

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